JB and the band are tight n clean like a razor in this 1966 thriller!
Daily Archives: 03/01/2011

Right now you can only get this on VHS: Shindig: Soul [VHS]. Old Skool Baby! Shindig was among the first to start the whole lip-sync thing. Regardless, James Brown blows things up with his dance moves. More about Shindig on Wikipedia. Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag:
JB on Shindig TV show 1965
Lyn does a live performance of Never Gonna Give You Up before Soul Train started to do lip-syncing. JB leads the band in the background.
Lyn Collins on Soul Train 1972
Lyn lip syncs Rock Me Again & Again and Again swinging the crowd on Soul Train. More on Lyn Collins in Wikipedia.
Lyn Collins live on Soul Train 1974
Marva belts out Things Got to Get Better. You can see JB in the background conducting. Marva was in the JB road show for years. A little about her on Wikipedia. I think this is from a David Steinberg hosted music show called The Music Scene.
Marva Whitney live on TV in 1969
Damn! This is the shizzy lizzy! A must view for those who love James Brown and the FUNK! I know JB is lip syncing but who cares? Where did JB get that funky hat? Papa Don’t Take No Mess and My Thang:
JB on Soul Train 1974
James Brown and band does I Can’t Stand It, Got the Feeling and Give it Up n Turn it Loose. Lots of these Mike Douglas clips around from 1969. He must of c0-hosted for a week I’ll bet.
More JB on the Mike Douglas Show 1969
Kinda strange how they had all the musicians sitting down…but this rocks none the less! I think this is from a David Steinberg hosted music show called The Music Scene.
Mother Popcorn live on TV 1969
Bobby Byrd introduces Vicki at the Olympia Theatre in 1971. She does a medley of covers an JB jams. She was with the JB road show for many years. A little on Vicki here on Wikipedia.
Vicky Anderson Live at Olympia Theatre 1971

You can buy the DVD here: Muscle Beach Party/Ski Party. Dig JB rockin’ his Funky Sweater singing I Feel Good in the video below! Segregation was in full effect in this movie it seems. Famous Flames do their thing too. Info on this movie at Wikipedia and IMDB. JB sings I […]
1965 movie Ski Party

This single is available in this CD album: Hot Pants. It’s also available from several vendors here. Wicked wicked and wicked. Funk pops up and smacks ya in the face with this one. Viva the People Label! Viva James Brown! All the musicians and tons of good info on this […]