James Brown and band does I Can’t Stand It, Got the Feeling and Give it Up n Turn it Loose. Lots of these Mike Douglas clips around from 1969. He must of c0-hosted for a week I’ll bet.
Kinda strange how they had all the musicians sitting down…but this rocks none the less! I think this is from a David Steinberg hosted music show called The Music Scene.
Mother Popcorn live on TV 1969
JB does a medley of songs: I Can’t Stand It, Got the Feeling and Give it Up Turn it Loose.
James Brown on The Mike Douglas Show 1969
Not sure of the date on but think this is Midnight Special TV show. Looks like late 70s early 80s to me. Any ideas out there?
Live: Get Up Offa That Thing
Oh my friggin god! Marva and the James Brown Band/Orchestra always blew up the spot with this jam. I’m diggin’ the groovy walls in the back too!
Marva Whitney live on the Mike Douglas Show ...
JB was a frequent guest on the Mike Douglas Show. Check the killer solo by St Clair Pickney.