This single is available in the following CD collection: Singles 5: 1967-1969. Also available in this MP3 collection: The Singles Volume 5: 1967-1969. JB raps about his love for America with the JB’s funking it up behind.
This single is available in this CD collection: The Singles Volume 1: The Federal Years 1956-1960. It’s also available in this MP3 collection: The Federal Years: 1956-1960. Triplet high hat groove and Doo-wop soul on both sides.
J B Shout is available in this brilliant CD collection: Funky Good Time: Anthology. It’s also available in this MP3 collection: Funky Good Time: The Anthology. As usual the People label doesn’t disappoint. A tough cover of of the O’Jays Back Stabbers with some jazzy funk on the flip. James Brown on […]
This single is available on this Marva Whitney CD: It’s My Thing. And the vinyl you can get here. Some super funk groove with He’s the One. A nice soulful cover of on the flip. James Brown on production. Bonus: Marva live!
You’ve Got to Change Your Mind is available in this CD collecction: Best Of: Bobby Byrd Got Soul. The co-inventor of funk, Bobby Byrd, rocks the soul and r&b. On one side with JB and the other side solo. James Brown on production.
This single is available in this CD collection: Singles 7: 1970-1972. Also available in this MP3 collection: The Singles Vol. 7: 1970-1972. Classic funk groove that hits you right in the gut! Instrumental cuts on both sides. JB and the band are at their prime. “Whatever I play, it’s got […]
This single is available in this CD collection: Singles 3: 1964-1965. Also in this MP3 collection: The Singles Volume 3: 1964-1965. Straight up big band blues with The Things I Used to Do. Groovy pop-soul on the flip.
This single is available in this CD collection: The Singles Volume 2: 1960-1963. It’s also available in this MP3 collection: The Singles Vol 2. Can you smell the funk with I’ve Got Money? Check the drums with this funky rocker! Remember this is only 1962. Soulful pop gem on the […]
I’m Not to Blame is available in this CD collecction: Best Of: Bobby Byrd Got Soul. Soul is set on stun with I’m Not to Blame with tasty flavor on the flip. James Brown on production.