JB does a medley of It’s a man’s world medle, Lost someone and Bewildered at the Apollo Theater. Slow soul groovers.
Daily Archives: 02/28/2011
This shit is so damn funky makes me want to cry! Not sure of date but probably around 1971 with Bootsy and Catfish Collins and Kash Waddy. The vision of Funk was crystal clear at this moment in musical history.
James Brown and Bobby Byrd doing Sex Machine ...

You can buy the the DVD of this movie here: Black Caesar Decent Blaxploitation flick with a killer soundtrack by James Brown and the J.B.’s. In the DVD commentary Larry Cohen said he wanted Sammy Davis Jr. to star in the picture. Now that would of been something! A little more […]
1973 movie Black Caesar

Kind of risque for the time probably. Davis Fried Krieger Inc. Advertising and Design put an ad out thanking JB.