This single is available in this CD collection: Singles 4: 1966-1967. It’s also available in this MP3 collection: James Brown The Singles Volume 4: 1966-1967. A couple of funky big band instrumentals with James Brown on the organ and production.
This single is available in the following CD collection: Singles 5: 1967-1969. Also available in this MP3 collection: The Singles Volume 5: 1967-1969. The titles of these tracks says it all. Funk and Soul from J.B. and his band.
Beautiful sweet soul with vocals and a funky instrumental on the other side from JB sideman and recording artist James Crawford. James Brown on production. A yellow King promo copy here. Some nice Crawford info is here.
The song, Baby, Don’t You Know can be found in this CD collection: James Brown’s Original Funky Divas. Or the MP3 version: James Brown’s Original Funky Divas Two beautiful deep soul cuts from the great Vicki Anderson. JB on the production and co-writer of Baby, Don’t You Know. More info […]
The song, Think, is available in this must have CD collection: Vicki Anderson – Anthology. Also in this MP3 collection: Vicki Anderson: Anthology. Nobody Cares is available in this CD import: Wide Awake In a Dream. JB’s song Think has Vicki Anderson singing along with Mr. Brown in a sweet […]
This single is available in this CD collection: Singles 4: 1966-1967. It’s also available in this MP3 collection: James Brown The Singles Volume 4: 1966-1967. Pure killer, thriller, no filler funkiness with Let Yourself Go. JB and band also hit the classic jump blues tune Good Rockin’ Tonight hard. […]
This single is available in this CD collection: Singles 4: 1966-1967. It’s also available in this MP3 collection: James Brown The Singles Volume 4: 1966-1967. Classic JB in this groovy funk jam. Funk is starting to hit mainstream now and influence musicians all over the world. This jam still sounds […]
This single is available in this CD collection: Singles 4: 1966-1967. It’s also available in this MP3 collection: James Brown The Singles Volume 4: 1966-1967. JB and his band make a classic bounce. Stone Fox is an instrumental version of a James Crawford single.
This single is available in this CD collection: The Best of Bobby Byrd – Got Soul. The title says it all. Funky soul from the legendary Bobby Byrd. This groove cops a Stax sound but puts the JBs funky twist on top. James Brown on production.
This single is available in this CD collection: Singles 4: 1966-1967. It’s also available in this MP3 collection: Singles 4: 1966-1967. More pure uncut flow from the fathers of FUNK; JB and his band.
This single is available in the following CD collection: James Brown – Singles 5: 1967-1969 Funk starts to take focus and define itself as a style with this 1967 single. The influence of funk was starting to spread out and seep into modern music.
JB produced several James Crawford singles. Crawford was an artist in the James Brown road show for years. JB also put out a 45 instrumental version of Stone Fox with his name on it. Stone Fox is an R&B rocker and Hold It an instrumental with the same vibe. Here’s a […]